Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lemon-blueberry layer cake with lemon cream cheese frosting

Welcome to the 2012. I haven't posted in a while with all the holiday madness but I've taken some much needed annual leave so get ready to be bombarded with recipes and tales from my kitchen.
I don't bake for myself. I bake to fill cupcake orders, or for my family, workmates and kids. So my first official day off I decided I wanted to bake something just for me (although my brother and white brother did come over for official taste testing). I had tons of lemons left over from our Christmas house party and had leftover lemon curd from this Christmas breakfast I made for my mum.

I decided while blueberries were in season I wanted to do something with those too hence this idea was born. Blueberries always remind me of my grandparents- who are in fact the coolest people I know. My older sister and I used to spend nearly every school holidays with them growing up. There was a summer spent picking blueberries in the pounding sun day after day. In reality, my grandparents picked them while we lay under the bush trying to get shade and ate them till we made ourselves sick.

My idols
My attempts with layer cakes have always had issues. I am getting better but how people get these things so straight seems to be beyond my amateur skill level, so all my cakes tend to have a gangsta lean. This attempt was average but I can never get the top even. So if you do try this recipe and have any success, please let me know-because this forever frustrates the hell out of me.

Anyway, after all that rambling, the recipe I used was the Magnolia Vanilla Cake recipe, tossed in 2 punnets of blueberries and spread it evenly into 3 round tins. The lemon curd recipe I used was made in a microwave so takes 3 minutes and is found here. So make the curd first and then get it really cold otherwise it squidges out with the weight of the cakes. Layer them up and then put the whole thing in the fridge to set.
I don't use a recipe for my frosting but it's a combination of cream cheese, butter, icing sugar, lemon juice and lemon rind until you get a consistency that's thick and easy to manage. Apparently the tip for layer cakes is to put multiple thin layers on, refrigerating the cake in between coats.

My photos need work, I do realize this. By the time I finished all the layers of frosting, it was a bout 10pm and my dinner guests were hurrying me up.
It didn't turn out perfect looking but this is a great cake if you're looking for something light, fruity and summery.  You could probably put cream cheese frosting on a shoe and I'd be tempted to eat it. I do want to try a layer cake with 8 layers or so but don't hold me to it because my frustration with trying to get it straight will probably result in it being hurled out my kitchen window accompanied by several curse words.
May your 2012 be filled with deliciousness.
You'll be hearing from me again soon

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